Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, new trees, and trees.
… areas of Carlton and Arnold Gedling Solar Farm We have installed new LED streetlights across various locations including the borough’s car parks, leisure centres and recreation grounds, replacing the older 75W and 150W sodium fittings to 18W LED bulbs or 21W headlights. Parks and Open Spaces We have a large programme of planting new trees, setting ourselves a target of planting…
… counterparts. In some areas, this will not be feasible in the timescales required, resulting in residual emissions that will need to be offset by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the simplest method to achieve this is through tree planting. Despite maximal efforts as a Council, as we are not directly responsible for all the emissions that are produced in the borough, achieving our…
…, through primarily, tree planting. The Committee on Climate Change have stated that the UK needs to plant 1.5 billion additional trees to achieve carbon neutrality, therefore this strengthens the need for us to develop planting plans and collaborate with landowners, businesses and residents to support both our national and local commitments. Whilst tree planting increases the capture of CO2…
… the ‘Natural Flora and Fauna’ in the area. Furthermore, new developments in the borough will be expected to incorporate suitable tree planting and retain existing trees where possible. 26 3.0 Delivering and monitoring the strategy This strategy provides the overarching direction for Gedling Borough’s transition to net zero by 2030, outlining the steps we need to take now and over…
… below: GCP Charging Points - £68,000.00 Civic Charging Points & Lighting - £28,000.00 Market Solar Panels - £16,000.00 Bee Bee/Pollinator Plan - £15,000.00 Furthermore, we also have allocated 50,000 for the Green Lung tree planting project, which will commence in Autumn 2021. GBC will need to develop business cases for investment to reduce carbon emissions. We…