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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.

1 result

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… What is Carbon Neutrality? Carbon Neutrality is a term that is interchangeable with the term ‘net zero carbon’. It refers to carbon dioxide emissions being balanced with carbon reduction (offsetting) measures such as tree planting and carbon capture and storage. It is essential that we minimise the need for carbon reduction measures by reducing our emissions as fully as possible. Typically…

… that over three-quarters of participants agreed with all the Council's proposals for tackling the climate emergency, with particularly strong support around tree planting, energy efficient homes and supporting industry to reduce their carbon footprint. There were also calls for the Council to lead by example, to invest in awareness and educational behaviour change campaigns and to improve…

… and systems for reporting, analysis and data collection. • Depth vs breadth: There needs to be a balance between the range of information available and the depth of understanding it can give. Fewer indicators can enable more insight, analysis and focused improvement, as having an abundance of indicators can make it difficult to ‘see the wood for the trees’. Given the limited amount of time…


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