Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.
… wildlife. More prominently, trees have consistently remained a high priority for the Council. The sites we have adopted over the years contain many individual trees, copses and woodlands. We also have a replacement tree planting programme and recently, circa 21,000 saplings were planted at Daedalus Common. We have developed an air quality policy that aims to reduce the level of harmful…
…, as is best practice, is to reduce or eliminate emissions before offsetting them. We want to ensure that as far as possible any offsetting projects benefit Fareham directly. An example would be to undertake strategic tree planting projects on Council- owned land, particularly at our parks managed by the Council’s countryside ranger service. There are opportunities to work with local partners…
… and the wider community and explore external funding opportunities. The offsetting projects we are currently exploring are: Offset Offset where we can’t eliminate or reduce (existing to medium term actions) We are doing this by: Investigating the opportunities for strategic tree planting projects on Council-owned land, including in our countryside parks Long Term - 2025…
… in our existing properties. The Council has a dedicated team that manages our natural green space. We have recently adopted more land at Coldeast, Abbey Meadows in Titchfield, and Daedalus Common. We also manage several perennial meadows across the borough. In 2015 we launched our Going Wild initiative which seeks to increase diversity in our planting programme and helping support our local…
… businesses. Short Term The projects for the short term are: Adaption & Resilience Responding to Climate Change and protecting our communities (existing / short term actions) We are doing this within our Council sites by: Protecting and enhancing our natural environment and countryside sites Exploring sustainable planting in our flower beds We are doing this throughout…