Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, planting trees, and trees.
… Transport Cambridgeshire County Council Climate Change and Environment Strategy: Actio nPlan 1 of 5 Management of county council land to deliver environment and biodiversity net gains (e.g. management for wildlife, tree planting and flood storage) to double land for nature by 2030. √ – √ Develop a Tree Strategy for the council's land assets to scope capacity for tree planting and appropriate…
… (and their families) can do to help. √ √ √ Work with schools to advise and assist them with planting trees on their sites √ √ √ 100% of renewals of existing tenancies and contracts include carbon reduction targets √ – – 100% of all new procurements include carbon reduction, adaptation and environmental solutions ( including single use plastic reductions) √ √ √ Develop training for procurement advisors…
… √ – √ Tackle poor air quality around schools, using Regulation 3 applications for new Schools, and through developing a pilot for a “no car zone” around a Cambridge School. √ – √ Work with partners to locate, seek funding for and plant (at suitable locations) new hedges and trees, particularly in areas around schools. Investigate the potential for technologically advanced “City Trees” or similar, as well…
… environmental and biodiversity net gain including management plans, for example appropriate vegetation planting and sustainable drainage systems – √ √ Ensure all new buildings are adapted to water scarcity through the use of water saving measures (e.g. rainwater harvesting, greywater harvesting). Assessment of all buildings and implementation plan in place by 2023. √ √ Ensure all buildings supporting…