Including the closely related term trees.
… a vital role in buffering upland sites against habitat intensification. It is capable of supporting a wide range of species: birds such as tree pipits, yellowhammers and ring ouzels; butterflies such as the pearl-bordered fritillary and dark green fritillary; vascular plants such as globeflower and wood bitter-vetch. NB all the species mentioned have been recorded in MTCB. Ffridd may play…
… succession in some areas, for instance, with no intervention grasslands will seed with shrubs and trees and eventually develop into woodland; avoiding pesticide and herbicide use, for example, spraying to kill aphids may also kill pollinators (bees, butterflies, hoverflies); scheduling vegetation clearance to avoid nesting birds (September to February); removing invasive non-native plants…
… undertaking their functions in Wales, to seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity wherever possible within the proper exercise of their functions. In doing so, public authorities must also seek to promote the resilience of ecosystems. Biodiversity (‘biological diversity’) ‘The variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat.’ Ecosystem ‘A functioning unit made up…
… of living organisms (plants/animals/micro-organisms) within their non-living environment (air/water/minerals/soil) and all the diverse and complex interactions that take place between them.’ Resilience of ecosystems ‘A resilient ecosystem has the ability to respond to disturbance by resisting damage and recovering quickly.’ Subsection 4(a): states that Welsh Ministers, the First Minister…
… and consequently a lower biodiversity than, for example, more rural areas. This means there are good opportunities within the built environment for the creation of new habitats or the enhancement of existing habitats leading to an overall increase in biodiversity. Examples of places within the built environment that could be enhanced include parks, gardens, street trees, dry-stone walls, roadside verges…