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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, planting trees, and trees.

1 result

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… practices must be offset by an equal amount. What is Carbon Offsetting? Offsetting is defined as: The process of trying to reduce the damage caused by releasing carbon dioxide into the environment by doing other things that remove carbon dioxide, for example, by planting trees. Source: Cambridge Dictionary Common examples of offsets include natural solutions (such as planting trees

… within a geographically defined administrative area. A city-wide insetting scheme could involve the movement of finance towards renewable energy generation or carbon reduction or sequestration schemes; this could include energy efficiency or tree planting/habitat restoration. The finance may be one-off payments towards schemes in exchange for carbon credits (generated through projects within…


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