… of increasing carbon storage in soils and plants and developing long-term carbon sequestration is a way of reducing the effects of climate change. Adaptation is the act of developing new approaches and strategies to reduce and manage the negative effects of climate change. For example: reducing the impacts of flood risk from sea level rise by constructing seawalls as flood defence. Principles…
… improving the quality of data on the condition of our natural ecosystems to inform decision-making in planning and Council strategy. More immediately, this will be done by continuing support given to the Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) and collaborating with Oxfordshire councils and partners on the Oxfordshire tree- mapping project and the emerging Nature Recovery Network…
…-Point Plan (November 2020): Nature Strategy and England Tree Strategy (emerging) ● The Environment Bill: Biodiversity-Net Gain and Local Nature Recovery Network Strategies (emerging) ● Oxfordshire Plan 2050 (emerging) ● The Oxford to Cambridge Arc (emerging) ● Oxfordshire Nature Recovery Network (emerging) ● Natural Capital Framework. Page | 18 7.0 Theme Two: Energy…
… as critical to raising standards in development in West Oxfordshire. They are frameworks the Council will continue to contribute towards, facilitating action at a local level. ● The UK's Ten-Point Plan (November 2020): Energy White Paper, Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy, Net-Zero Strategy, Heat & Buildings Strategy, Hydrogen Strategy, Nature Strategy and England Tree Strategy (emerging…