Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.
… Berkshire by 2030 CN013 Undertake a scheme of urban tree planting Urban tree planting has taken place and the impact is recorded quantitatively such as percentage increase in canopy cover per area. Short term Medium term WBC Countryside In progress, on track Low 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030:Carbon sequestration such as large scale tree planting e.g. through schemes such as the Woodland Carbon Code…
…' interests. Cross service coordination will provide an effective response A comprehensive log is kept to ensure participation takes place Short term Ongoing Various WBC Teams In progress, on track Low Not mentioned CN010 Investigate a joined up approach to natural regeneration including comprehensive mapping of the District to identify opportunities for rewilding, tree planting, carbon capture…
… and habitat conservation and creation across West Berkshire Agree an approach and implement the necessary actions Short term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery/WBC Countryside /WBC Planning In progress, on track High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030:Carbon sequestration such as large scale tree planting e.g. through schemes such as the Woodland Carbon Code and Associated Funds…
… 6.1.5 Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Environment: Expand our tree planting programme in suitable locations across the district to enhance the natural environment and help reduce greenhouse gases and impurities in the atmosphere 6.1.5 Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Environment: ‘Green’ our towns…
… by supporting the creation of more green zones and planting more urban trees CN011 Explore the opportunity for procuring new land assets with the aim of supporting the Council's renewable and carbon offsetting objectives Potential new land assets are sourced to accommodate renewables and/or carbon offsetting activities Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery Not started Medium/High Not mentioned…