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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, planting trees, and trees.

1 result

Torbay Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… sea fronts, with construction to start in 2021. We will deliver effective tree planting schemes as part of a new three year funded i-tree 2 initiative. We will plant over 350 of the right trees in the right place. It will include community participation and the launch of a supportive Tree Warden scheme. This programme is all about planting trees for our children's children…

… Sustainable Transport Fund and the recent Active Travel Fund - Torbay Council  All new homes, with off street parking, built in Torbay have electric vehicle charging points installed  Developed a Tree and Woodland Framework for Torbay firmly committing the Council to maintaining and enhancing Torbay’s trees and woodlands as a vital part of the environment and helping tackle climate change…

…:// 4  Installed efficient energy saving LED street lights, together with a comprehensive overhaul of traffic signal inventories, has led to significant energy and carbon savings. However, climate change is having a major impact…


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