Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.
… and to encourage more sustainable forms of transportation. Urban greening initiatives and the planting of new trees across the Borough, including offering 5000 free saplings for residents to grow. LED lighting upgrades across several corporate buildings including the Civic Centre. Street lighting programme, replacing 23,700 sodium lights with more efficient LED units. Installation of solar panels across…
… various buildings 5 hybrid and 3 full electric cars purchased. 50 Operational vehicles upgraded to EURO 6 specification, reducing engine exhaust emissions. 601 - Standard tree planting in highways and parks 1500 - Whips - New approach to highway tree belts - Long Lane (Trees for Cities) 100 - Sukura Cherry Tree Project 3000 - Whips - Colham Green (Trees for Cities) 37 - Standards…
… - Colham Green (Trees for Cities) 12 Fruit tree orchard - Colham Green (Trees for Cities) 1000 trees provided for our residents to plant The London Borough of Hillingdon is already one of the greenest boroughs in London. In terms of climate change these areas are of great importance. They act as carbon sinks. This means they take carbon dioxide and other nasty pollutants out of the air…
… and replace it with clean air. They will continue to play a key role in helping us manage its carbon emissions. All natural vegetation performs a role as a carbon sink but trees are particularly important. The tree canopy coverage across London is continually under threat which is why we are seeking to protect our own trees where we can. We also have large scale tree planting ambitions…
… to increase the tree canopy coverage across the borough. This is not just a long-term aspiration, it is already happening, as illustrated by our recent concerted tree planting campaign. A total 6250 trees planted with only 215 removed for various reasons (e.g. dead or hazardous) 3. The Starting Position The last decade of performance on carbon emissions was extremely positive. However…