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Search results for "planting trees"

Including the closely related term trees.

1 result

Bolsover District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… on the environment. An increase in climate change gas emissions, and therefore rising carbon footprint, is the primary cause associated with climate change and its negative impacts. Rising temperatures are changing the growing patterns of plants and crops, sea levels are rising too with polar ice caps melting resulting in coastal erosion and the destruction of ecosystems. As vegetation growth patterns…

…, vehicle washing and watering plants. Measure; baseline existing water consumption at point of installation. R1 Undertake Photovoltaic HOS P&E Sept 2019 Officer time Electricity produced by 10% 20% 50% feasibility study and and £000 – solar cells is clean, install on all equipment and silent…

… where appropriate. • Incorporating policies in the Local Plan that protect and enhance the district’s trees and natural environment. 34 PL3 In line with legislation HOS Ongoing Officer time For the Council, such 25% 30% 50% and as and when Planning a statement will support legislation allows; the existing information Planning applications…


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