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Search results for "planting trees"

1 result

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in the City Region. Wakefield is the location of the Ferrybridge multi-fuel generation plant. In Selby, employment reflects the presence of two major power stations in the district: Drax (coal and biomass) and Eggborough (converting from coal to CCGT since March 2018). Figure 1. Employment in the energy sector in the City Region Existing programmes, funds and strategies Lowering carbon emissions…

…, waste and water saving opportunities and funding; • Type II Assessment: a more in-depth two-day assessment, providing a rigorous assessment of opportunities and funding to include energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, and potential plant, product and process improvements; and • Type III Assessment: a review of an existing technical assessment previously undertaken by the client SME…

… of electricity will very likely continue into the future with plans in place for the natural gas CCGT plants to come on line as coal is phased out by 2025. 5,051 ktCO2 5,673 ktCO2 5,790 ktCO2 Domestic Industry & Commercial Transport 22 Figure 8. Regional generation, consumption and net export Although the vast majority of electricity generated in the City Region is supplied…


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