Including 4 closely related terms such as tree planting, tree planting, and tree planting.
… to identify the most appropriate and cost-effective opportunities, but these could include: • Investing in off-site renewable electricity generation such as solar PV farms • Carbon sequestration through land management, woodland creation, and tree planting Wealden District Council Projections Emissions form the Council’s own operations for the year 2018/19 and the projected cumulative impacts…
… electricity generation such as solar PV farms • Carbon sequestration through land management, woodland creation, and tree planting. For context, as a rough estimate, offsetting the Council’s remaining 2018/19 CO2e emissions (after all other measures are applied) would require conversion of around 170 hectares (1.7 square kilometres) of low-grade agricultural land to sustainably managed woodland.3…
… (electricity) • Reducing demand for fuel in buildings and transport (e.g. insulating existing buildings and reducing the number of journeys travelled) • Switching from fossil fuel heating to electric forms such as heat pumps • Switching to zero emission vehicles • Emission offsetting investments such as solar Photovoltaic (PV) farms or sequestration through planting new woodland Wealden…
… Prepared for: Wealden District Council 7 Building energy audits In order to identify specific opportunities for demand reduction measures in the Council’s own buildings, AECOM carried out building energy audits on a range of properties owned and operated by Wealden Council, including: • Cherry Tree Court (retirement living) • Wealden Crematorium • Crowborough Leisure Centre • Helen…
…. Published in 2011, the Strategy considers a 15-year timeframe (i.e. up to 2026). As described by the East Sussex County Council (ESCC), ‘key aims of the strategy include: • minimising the amount of waste created and getting more waste re-used and recycled • reducing carbon emissions and the use of fossil fuels • improving habitats to reverse and prevent the loss of plant and animal species…