Including 8 closely related terms such as tree planting, more trees, and trees.
… lll PPPooosssiiitttiiiooonnn444...444::: SSSttteeevvveeennnaaagggeee BBBooorrrooouuuggghhh CCCooouuunnnccii4.4: Stevenage Borough Council Positionci The council’s role as a land and asset owner, a regulator and as an agent for change will be addressed. The battle against climate change goes beyond reducing single use plastic and planting more trees. Although these things are extremely important…
… a Climate Change Communications Plan to help education and inform our residents. •Continue to work with youth groups, Youth Council and local schools to help both understand their Climate Change concerns and also empower them to make changes. Biodiversity •Tree protection and Planting Strategy •Biodiversity Plan and Actions •Plant over 2,000 trees by 2030. •Construct at least…
… to prioritise the towns’ natural environment, while being mindful of what species and ecosystems already exist, when considering projects such as tree planting. A link to The Councils Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2020 1 details actions being taken for wetlands, grasslands, woodlands, and ancient hedgerows. The Council reaffirms its commitment to biodiversity in the town and will strive…
… of the National Grid's electricity in 2019. A low-carbon energy system •Planners will prioritise active travel when designing spaces rather than cars. •New buildings will improve the environment not detract from it. •Better consideration of where homes, work, school and lesirue spaces are. This will reduce the need for car based travel and nurture more sustainable communities. •Planting trees…
… ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Energy .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Trees…