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Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of this is shipped to Shetland, where it is processed through the Green head energy from waste plant as well as proportion landfilled on Shetland. The Council is committed to achieving the Scottish Government recycling targets of 70% by 2025, noting the significant challenge it faces in terms of both Alternate Weekly Collection was only introduced in May 2012 and several aspects are only just being rolled out…

… will continue to form part of the targets, as improvements to this energy use can be achieved without considering replacement of major plant 4.1 Scope The following table will outline the council’s carbon emissions and identify where the scope has changed from the initial programme to this. Carbon Production Activity Service 2007 to 14 2014 to 25 Council Buildings (Operational) All Services…

… significant problems with delivery of LPG to Orkney as a result of the restrictions placed on ferry transport as the fuel is classed as a hazardous cargo. These problems add to the additional cost and push towards oil fired plant. Water costs have dropped over recent years as a result of improvements in meter reading frequency and corrections to long running errors in billing finally being resolved…


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