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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.

1 result

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

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… Farms (on and off-shore), Energy from Waste (EfW), Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Biomass, Hydro-Power and Solar technologies. 1.2.4 The role of our natural resources is equally important in addressing climate change. Carbon sequestration is the long term storage of carbon in ‘sinks’ such as plants, soils and the oceans, effectively removing this carbon from the atmosphere. Tree planting

… for tree planting may be limited in some urban areas, green infrastructure enhancements, which may include tree planting, would provide additional benefits for local communities. 3.2 Air Quality and Health 3.2.1 Good air quality is a basic requirement and is fundamental to good health. The Council is required to assess certain air pollutants which relate to UK air quality objectives. Where objectives…

…, alongside increasing carbon sequestration (i.e. the long term storage of carbon in ‘sinks’ such as plants and soils), is considered critical to addressing the issue. In the UK, and Wales in particular, there is already much activity aimed at reducing fossil fuel usage and there is increasing awareness and activity in the use of natural resources to draw down, and store carbon in plants, soils and wetlands…

… n an d R en ew ab le E ne rg y S tra te gy (M ay 20 20 ) 13 3.1.5 Furthermore, there are significant amounts of carbon stored / locked up within the administrative area, for example in soils (especially peat), trees, woodlands and forests, which has the potential to be released as a result of land use changes or development, which needs to be taken into account and protected wherever…

… possible. In addition, the area also presents opportunities for increased carbon sequestration through restoration of degraded peatland. 3.1.6 Whilst Neath Port Talbot has a higher than average percentage of tree coverage, there is a disparity between the rural and urban areas, with the urban coverage estimated at an average of 16.6%(2), with some areas as low as 8.2%. Given that space and opportunity…


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