Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, new trees, and trees.
…/landowners 1000 new trees to be planted 2021. SSDC/Parishes/Land owners Develop highway verge meadow planting in year one consult with Parishes and identify sites SSDC/Parishes Develop plans for maintenance and management of Council owned sites – year 1 River Penk (Perton) consultation with Parish and residents SSDC/Parishes Ensure Stock Condition survey and Asset…
… greater ecological diversity and install new diverse planting wildflower space on the CCH SSDC Consider switch to green energy supply for CCH SSDC Ensure day to repairs/maintenance are energy saving – eg replace external bulbs with LED fittings which are 80% more efficient. SSDC Identify sites for tree planting on Council sites across the District and work with partners…
… County Council to develop a protocol to secure biodiversity net gain SSDC/SCC Progress Local Plan to adoption to meet climate change benefits SSDC Deliver and monitor new developments with mitigation and enhancement measures SSDC Maximise tree planting in new developments and promote woodland planting / landscape buffers wherever possible SSDC Influencing Partners Work with partners…
… Considerate Construction Programme SSDC Reduce reliance on non-renewable energy (in conjunction with the County Council) on our leisure centre sites SSDC/SCC Agree target for all waste in CCH building to be recycled SSDC Seek grant funding for upgrade to leisure centre pool plant rooms to more energy efficient models SSDC/SCC Consider longer green transport initiatives with staff SSDC …