Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, additional tree planting, and tree planting.
… and nature areas. This asset should be protected and enhanced. Where feasible, we need to expand our natural capital, through additional tree planting, creating new green spaces and finding creative ways to introduce vegetation and soft landscaping into urban areas, such as green roofs and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). How we do this A borough-wide study exploring…
… of fuel poverty. Encouraging more people to walk and cycle more will lead to improvements in both physical and mental health. Neighbourhoods which have been enhanced with tree planting and other forms of vegetation, will improve people’s local environment, their well-being and sense of local pride. Less traffic on the road network will lead to an improvement in air quality which will support…
… residents with poor health and provider a cleaner environment for families to thrive. Reputation Taking positive action to tackle climate change and to benefit the borough will enhance SMBC’s reputation as an organisation that acts responsibly and in the interests of its residents. A borough that is greener as a result of increased tree planting, will be more attractive not only to existing…
… residual emissions will have to be off-set (absorbed) through tree planting. Corporate Building Stock (47% of emissions) How to reduce emissions To reduce emissions, we need to reduce the demand we make for energy from the national grid. In terms of the buildings themselves, this would include: • insulating the walls and roofs and replacing windows • installing low-carbon forms of heating…
… saving schemes for residents, and these should be promoted as widely as possible. For many homes, the only way to reach net zero will be through installing Solar PV, to off- set any residual emissions. Tree planting is also going to be required to help off-set any other remaining emissions which cannot be avoided from the borough’s homes. Who is responsible Asset Management and Maintenance…