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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, planting trees, and trees.

1 result

Richmondshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Facilities Management Officer 31 Dec 22 £150,000 in capital programme - depot repairs and improvements project. 7 Environment and Sequestration The environment is a key part of the fight against climate change. Sequestration is the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, and this can be achieved through planting trees and protecting natural environments. The two projects continue this work…

… by supporting rewilding projects and supporting tree planting across the district. Ref Project Name Details Responsible Completion Date Budget Notes P/E&S01 Rewilding appropriate areas of open space across the district. Pilot areas at community request until project CRP27 has concluded, such as Middleham closed churchyard and land around and below Mercury House. Open Spaces…

… and Amenities Manager 31 Mar 23 Likely cost neutral - additional costs of any wildflower planting offset by reduced management/ maintenance cost. P/E&S02 Tree Planting in Richmondshire Continue with community tree planting project in Autumn 2022, whilst also looking at opportunities to plant trees on council land. Climate Change Officer 31 Mar 23 Includes budget from previous…

… Within existing budget Environment & Sequestration C/E&S01 Tree Planting Trial with Biochar Investigative trial to measure growth for trees when using Biochar Climate Change Officer 31 Mar 23 Within existing budget 10 Ref Project Name Details Responsible Completion Date Budget Notes Housing C/HOU01 Bids for future Housing Grants Investigate the potential…

…, low carbon heating and energy efficiency options for the sheltered housing stock. Study to investigate the following properties. George Nickling House, Queens Court, Oak Tree Court, Quaker Close, St. Cuthbert’s Green, Thornborough Hall and Noel’s Court Facilities Management Officer 31 Mar 23 £21k from the Green Intiatives budget - £3k per study P/TRAN07 Investigate…


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