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Leicester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to be confirmed. 2022/23 (feasibility and planning) Housing 2020/21: Feasibility study scheduled to start in 2021. 2021/22: Implementation planned from 2022/23, subject to securing funding. 2.06 District heating - Beatty Avenue In collaboration with Engie, give consideration to upgrading the biomass plant at Beatty Avenue in order to reduce the reliance on top up heat provided from gas boilers…

… in winter months. Completed report assessing feasibility of doubling the capacity of the plant from 100 to 200kw. Funded by Engie, implementation would save 240 tonnes carbon per annum. 2021/22 Planned implementation subject to economic Housing 2020/21: Project not currently under consideration by Engie. 2021/22: ACTION CANCELLED Leicester City Council’s Climate Emergency Action…

… 4.11 School meals Strengthen a strategy and project plan and deliver a programme of climate emergency actions for school meals. Project to cover food and packaging waste, energy use and engagement with pupils, parents and other stakeholders to look at opportunities for more plant-based meals. A detailed strategy and project plan is completed and initiated with specific targets. 2021-22…


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