Including 6 closely related terms such as tree planting, extensive tree planting, and trees.
… and technologies, extensive tree planting, increased opportunities for walking and cycling, and improved access to public transport for new developments. New developments will be committed to providing high quality and accessible open spaces for all residents and will encourage healthy lifestyles. Development in areas of low flood- risk will have robust flood-risk management. Climate Change…
… A significant number of trees will be planted in community woodlands to promote carbon offsetting - five trees for every additional dwelling that is built. Creating or enhancing natural habitats through development will help wildlife and habitats adapt to climate change. All development proposals are required to consider and address flood risk, both on- site and off-site. Delivering development…
… with easy access to walking/cycling routes and near to public transport to encourage communities to actively travel for local journeys Spatial Strategy: Green & Healthy The Draft Bassetlaw Plan: Support construction methods that promote sustainable and low carbon design A commitment to CARBON OFFSETTING through tree planting Greater infrastructure for Electric Vehicles Encourage…
… Energy Hub Policy ST40 Green Gaps Policy ST41 Green and Blue Infrastructure Policy ST42 Biodiversity and Geodiversity Policy 43 Trees, Woodland and Hedgerows Policy ST46 Promoting Health and Wellbeing Policy ST48 Delivering Quality Open Space Find out more: OUR VISIO N …