Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and planting trees.
…. ➢ The survey will not only enable us to hold a more accurate record of our own tree stock and wildlife corridors but will help us target where additional planting is required and which planting areas need to be protected. ➢ The survey’s findings will be made available publicly via an interactive database in due course Parish wildflower planting ➢ Increased interest from residents…
… and composition of the current tree population in each ward, • make planting projections necessary to compensate for the loss of trees due to disease e.g ash dieback and chronic oak decline. • produce a tree planting strategy which categorises the areas where tree planting will benefit the existing tree stock or improve habitat networks. ➢ The completed project will include publicly…
… accessible web maps which show tree canopy and ecosystem services data. Tree and Hedgerow planting ➢ In March 2019, the Committee on Climate Change announced, the need to plant 30,000 hectares of trees each year and increase our hedgerows by 40% as part of measures to dramatically reduce UK carbon emissions. ➢ This year, Mid Suffolk and Babergh have planted 281 trees and 4,690…
… hedgerow plants have been distributed to town and parish councils for planting and care. At 10 years old, the carbon sequestered from the 281 trees planted will equate to 7,025 kg a year ➢ increasing annually as the trees grow larger. The average family car emits 4,500kg per year. ➢ To promote the benefits which planting trees brings to our communities, we offer all families…
… to undertake a review of ‘green space’ within the Council’s control to ensure that the public has as much access to natural and amenity open space as possible. ➢ Biodiversity - in September 2019, councillors approved commitments to enhance and protect biodiversity across our district. The actions included preparing a Wildlife Network Map, a Tree Canopy Survey and initiatives to enhance wildflower…