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Search results for "paris agreement"

Including the closely related term paris climate.

1 result

Sunderland City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… climate, predominantly in the form of global warming, are caused by human activity. The UN Conference of the Parties (COP) and 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (Paris Accord) recommend that all nations take a share of the responsibility and seek to reduce CO2 emissions urgently. Most importantly, major reductions need to occur within the next 10 years. Governments have agreed to take action…

… budget would remain by 2040. This remaining budget could either be offset 3 The Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction (SCATTER) tool, commissioned by Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has developed a methodology for Local Authorities to set carbon emissions targets that are consistent with United Nations Paris Climate Agreement. Sunderland…

… a fixed and definitive course to carbon neutrality but, as an evolving pathway, to incorporate new developments in technology and adapt to the emerging climate science and carbon reduction process. It establishes a high- level strategic framework for how we will play our part as a city in meeting the commitments under the Paris Agreement, and our commitments as a signatory of the EU Covenant…

… of Mayors, UK100 Pledge, and through our declaration of a climate emergency. It has been shaped by scientific data to ensure it is in line with the commitments in the Paris Agreement and other national commitments. There are many areas where further detail or support from Government is required. However, given the urgency for action, we are choosing to drive this Framework forward now…

… equipment, furniture, construction materials, many of which are produced outside of the city. Sunderland Low Carbon Framework December 2020 Page 17 Carbon reduction targets, commitment and vision To meet the Paris Agreement objective there is a limited amount of CO2 we can emit globally. Climate change scientists refer to this as the global ‘carbon budget’. A carbon budget…


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