… on the UK Government and their independent scientific advisory body the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). The CCC advise Government via yearly progress reports and provide scientific information to support the development of the Government’s 5 yearly Climate Change Risk Assessment. The Act also requires Government: The Paris Agreement was a landmark environment accord adopted by almost…
… evenly around the planet as temperature increases at different speeds everywhere with the strongest warming happening in the Arctic and along the equator. The 2015 Paris Agreement marked a step change in political ambition, with a globally binding commitment to reduce emissions and keep the world’s temperature rises well below 2°C, with strong efforts to stay below 1.5 °C. Temperature rises…
… set during the 2015 Paris Agreement. Therefore, alongside a surge in carbon emissions reductions, there needs to be a shift to urgent local action, ensuring communities adapt and become resilient to the effects of climate change. Data from the Met Office UK Climate Projections 18 (UKCP18) outlines how in the UK, the most recent decade (2008- 2017) has been on average 0.8°C warmer than…
…. There are different estimates of how fast the UK should reduce GHG emissions to ensure we reach our national target of zero carbon by 2050. Researchers at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research have published a reporting detailing Wigan Borough’s climate commitment aligned with the 2015 Paris Agreement. The research identifies that Wigan Borough needs to stay within a maximum cumulative CO2 emissions…