Including the closely related term paris climate.
… a 2050 target for emissions reductions, five-yearly ‘carbon budgets’ (limits on emissions over a set time period which act as stepping stones towards the 2050 target), and the development of a climate change adaptation plan.’5 The CCC is an independent statutory body which sets the magnitude of carbon budgets; the Government must prepare policies accordingly. • The Paris Climate Agreement…
… –The UK ratified the Paris Climate Agreement in November 2016. The Agreement’s central aim ‘is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2º Celsius above 4 The original (2008…
… further research into zero emission vehicle design and manufacturing techniques and next generation battery technologies which would help to improve performance and promote uptake. 6 7…
…:// to-zero.pdf 9Air quality plan for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in UK (2017) nitrogen-dioxide-no2-in-uk-2017…