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Manchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to limit the global average temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels by the year 2100, and aiming for 1.5°C, known as the Paris Agreement within the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. The October 2018 Special Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that although meeting a 1.5°C target is still achievable, success is dependent on a much…

… Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Manchester to advise on targets for the city. The resulting ‘Playing Our Full Part’ proposal by the Partnership and Agency led to Manchester City Council adopting science-based carbon reduction targets for and on behalf of the city. This made Manchester one of the first cities in the world to adopt targets in line with the Paris Agreement

… Airport ● Target-setting and reporting methodology for organisations and sectors The recommended targets and objectives are set out in the Manchester Climate Change Framework 2020-25 but the headline recommendations are referenced below: ● To ensure that Manchester plays its full part in helping to meet the Paris Agreement objectives by keeping our direct CO2 emissions within a limited…

… has been informed by the SCATTER project (Setting City and Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reductions) which is a model that helps cities set zero carbon targets from our buildings, energy and transport which are consistent with delivering the Paris Agreement. The specific commitments we are making as a Council are: ● Deliver at least a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from…


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