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Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… by the end of the century of 20c-30c. 1.3 The City net zero target for 2045 is science-based and is in alignment with the United Nations Paris Agreement1 to keep global temperatures to a 1.50c increase and no more than 20c. 1.4 The Report seeks to publish the Hull Carbon Pathway Summary report agreed by Cabinet on the 24th January 2022 (Minute 82) and referenced in the Community Strategy…

… and Corporate Plan paper agreed by Cabinet on the 27th June 2022 (Minute 10), and associated draft for consultation of the Pathway Action Plan to progress the net zero pathway for the city (Appendix 1). 1 Report to Cabinet 24 October 2022 Economy & Environment…

…). This is to identify actions that can be taken in Hull to support the Commissions actions. 1.6 The report proposes to undertake further consultation with businesses, residents, partners, and services to support the development of the climate change and ecological emergency action plan and to hold discussion on the challenges faced by the city in delivering the carbon pathways and meeting net zero


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