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Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Formal report template Page 1 of 41 1. Purpose of the Report and Summary 1.1 To set a net zero target for the city of 2045 and an ambition for the Council as a business to become net zero ready at the earliest opportunity. 1.2 The report contains the outputs of the Carbon…

… Pathway and action plan for Hull. 1.3 The report sets out additional actions for the Council to become net zero ready. 1.4 The Report focuses upon the climate change impact of the Council as a business and its place making role in delivering net zero within the city. 1.5 The report is split into two parts. Part 1, the Background, provides the local and national policy context as well…

… and Zero Carbon Report of the Director of Regeneration This item is not exempt Therefore exempt reasons are not applicable This is a key decision. The matter is in the Forward Plan 0054/21 Page 2 of 41 1.6 The issues raised in the report are considered to enable the delivery of the carbon neutral target by 2030 and journey to net zero by 2045, embedding carbon…

… reduction and climate change adaptation within the Council and its place making activity. 1.7 Provides an update on the progress made by the Council and city, in addressing carbon reduction and the requirements of the climate emergency declaration. 1.8 The Report uses the outcomes of the carbon pathway work undertaken with the Carbon Trust, to set out a 2045 vision for a carbon net zero

… Hull and milestones over the next 10-15 years. 1.9 The 2045 net zero vision creates a clear narrative for the future of Hull and enables the Council as a business and place maker to direct investment to meet the vision and place individual projects within a wider context for the city. 1.10 The report identifies a series of additional actions required by the Council to become carbon…


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