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London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… and Sustainability Strategy (WESS) and Wandsworth Climate Action Plan for 2023 SUMMARY The Council is committed to delivering sustainability for all, being carbon neutral as an organisation by 2030 and net zero as a borough by 2043. To achieve these targets and deliver the changes required action needs to be delivered at pace. This sense of urgency can clearly be seen in the actions delivered in 2022…

…, which are summarised in this paper. In November 2022 the Council’s outstanding action was recognised by gaining a place on CDP Cities A List, which puts Wandsworth amongst the top 122 cities and towns worldwide who are taking action on climate change. Key actions also delivered in 2022 include setting a science based borough-wide net zero target of 2043, the launch of the Wandsworth…

net zero borough target of 2043, using a science based target that aligns Wandsworth’s actions to global agreements on carbon emissions such as the 2015 Paris Agreement. Since May 2022, the Council has taken a sustainability for all approach, recognising the need to work together as a borough to meet these goals. 5. The Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy (WESS) sets out…

… on tackling climate change, setting an ambitious new target of 2043 for a net zero brough, delivering on key actions in the Climate Action Plan and expanding its engagement and partnership working on climate change. Some of the key achievements in 2022 are set out below, and more details on the actions delivered are contained in Appendix C. 8. In November 2022, Wandsworth achieved an A rating from…

… with the contract. A new more sustainable stationery contract including more energy and resource efficient printers and more sustainable purchase options has been rolled out this year, options to use bike couriers for delivery have been introduced and work has progressed to introduce a salary sacrifice scheme for fully electric vehicles. 16. The Joint Pensions Committee has set a target of being net zero


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