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Vale of White Horse District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the climate emergency, and embeds sustainability throughout the other themes. Not only will the Climate Action Plan improve our council operations and services for residents, it will also contribute to the urgent global climate change agenda, which we were so recently reminded of at COP26 in Glasgow, as well as the UK’s net zero targets. We also look forward to working in partnership across the county…

… to do the same, and to work in partnership to make a greater impact on our target. This Plan first provides policy context to set the scene for climate action globally, nationally and locally, including our climate actions so far, followed by an outline of our strategic approach to climate action, our reporting methods and then our action plan. Carbon neutral, or ‘net zero carbon’, means…

… the UK to a 100 per cent reduction in carbon emissions, or net- zero, by 2050. The Act also resulted in the formation of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) which is an advisory committee to the government on climate. In 2021 the Government published its Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener which outlines how the UK will manage its carbon budgets and sets out the UK’s vision for a decarbonised…

… economy by 2050. The Environment Act 2021 sets legislation to protect and enhance our environment, including policies around waste and recycling, air quality and water resources. Regionally, the Pathways to zero carbon Oxfordshire (Pazco) report was published in 2021 to address how Oxfordshire can achieve net- zero emissions by 2050. There are also policy documents on specific sectors including…



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