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1 result

Eastleigh Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… reference to stress on our water supply, tree and wildlife survival. The UK Climate Change Act 2008 sets a statutory target to reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions by 80% from 1990 by 2050. In May 2019, the UK Committee on Climate Change recommended that the UK Government increase this target to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The Government has now adopted this target. In parallel, the UK…

… that a prudent approach is taken, the Council has carried out an assessment of lifestyle and airport emissions and these have been included within the area target. This assessment has found that in order to reach Net Zero emissions by 2030 there would need to be a Borough wide reduction of 1046.1ktCO2e. This is based on 619.7ktCO2e industrial, residential and transport, 378.4ktCO2e lifestyle and 48ktCO2e…

… operational emissions from year one, whilst activities are carried out to reduce emissions over time. Pathway projections for Eastleigh As a last resort there will need to be offsetting to reach net zero emissions, local approaches which lead to local environmental improvements will be prioritised. It will not be possible for Council and Borough wide activities to be carried out without causing some…


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