… plans to be in place. Being ‘carbon neutral’ and having ‘net zero carbon’ emissions are slightly different, so the concepts are explained in ‘Our Approach’ in relation to our commitments. Essentially, we need to ensure that any carbon dioxide emitted – from vehicles, homes, businesses or the land – is balanced by an equal amount taken out of the atmosphere - for example being absorbed…
… this document This document has deliberately been kept simple and succinct to encourage a wide readership. The council’s climate webpages complement the strategy, including the discussion of the issues and evidence published in a Discussion Document in January 2021. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are published to help explain issues such as net zero development and planning, and there is information…
… http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/climate https://www.theccc.org.uk/ Homes and the Built Environment New buildings need to be net zero carbon as soon as possible, using less energy and running on low carbon sources of electricity and heat. Existing buildings need to be retrofitted along the same principles. All buildings also need to be able to cope with the impacts of climate…
… will require action across all areas, with a significant role played by zero emissions vehicles, in conjunction with reducing trips and shifting modes. Zero emissions transport is a necessary priority, since transport produces the largest proportion of emissions in the county. Natural Environment, food and farming A healthy natural environment is crucial to achieving net zero, and providing ways…
… for people and wildlife to adapt to the stresses of climate change. Central to our challenge is the efficient and sensitive use of land for all our needs – local food production, preserving habitats, generating energy, absorbing carbon dioxide and providing homes. Wiltshire Climate Strategy 2022 - 2027 WILTS CAN DO THIS Strategy overview 6 20 24 26 29 Achieving net zero is a colossal…