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West Lothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Corporate Plan – Transforming Your Council 12 2.2 Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 13 3 The Path to Net-Zero 14 3.1 Progress to Date 14 3.2 Net Zero Emissions Targets 16 4 Partnership & Community 18 5 Strategy Outcomes 20 5.1 Outcome 1 – Energy 20 5.2 Outcome 2 -Transport: 25 5.3 Outcome 3 -Waste 30 5.4 Outcome 4 - Adaptation, Resilience & Biodiversity 32 5.5 Outcome 5 – Land Use…

… aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for the unavoidable impacts of changing weather patterns through the period 2021-2028 while also considering the pathway to achieving a net-zero West Lothian by 2045 at the latest. Efforts to lessen the impact of climate change can also bring opportunities, such as cost savings from reduced energy bills and making better use of our…

… is accelerating the loss of nature, and at the same time restoring habitats can play a key role in helping us to address climate change and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Introduction 1.1 Context 1 We all have a part to play to make West Lothian a more sustainable place to live and work West Lothian Council - Climate Change Strategy4 5West Lothian Council - Climate Change Strategy…

… an overall decrease of 40%. This new strategy builds on the progress made through the earlier strategy to provide the direction required to achieve our ambition of becoming a net-zero West Lothian by 2045 at the latest while recognising the significant challenges that will need to be overcome to achieve this goal. A Global Response The importance of tackling climate change has been recognised…

… Goals In a drive towards a low carbon future, the Scottish Government set out ambitious emissions reductions targets in the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. The targets were amended and updated in the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019, with the new goal of reducing Scotland’s emissions of all greenhouse gases to net-zero by 2045 at the latest, with interim…


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