… Net Zero Newcastle 2030 Action Plan updates Our Newcastle Our Future Net Zero Newcastle - 2030 Action Plan Priority Actions Update September 2020 - March 2021 TIMELINE: Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 Priority Action not yet started. Priority Action initated and early works conducted. Reasonable progress to date on Priority Action…
…. Priority Action progressing well towards completion. Priority Action complete. 1 2 3 4 5 NET ZERO PROGRESS BAR LEGEND TIMELINE: Page 2 Net Zero Newcastle Foreword from the Leader In April 2019 Newcastle City Council (NCC) declared a Climate Emergency and made a bold commitment to achieving…
… city-wide Net Zero status by 2030. We’re by no means alone; over 300 UK councils have taken the important step of declaring a Climate Emergency and establishing Net Zero commitments, as well as the UK Government enshrining a Net Zero 2050 target into law. But while we are not alone in declaring a Net Zero transition, it is absolutely the case that there is no precedence or road map…
… for the city-wide Net Zero transition. So, in September 2020, Newcastle City Council produced and approved a bold and comprehensive ‘Net Zero Newcastle – 2030 Action Plan’ (referred to as the ‘Action Plan’). The Action Plan is hosted on our new Net Zero web- page: www.newcastle.gov.uk/netzero. The Action Plan sets out (among other important topics) the challenge facing the city, the vision for a Net…
… Zero future, how we intend to engage with our residents, businesses and organisations, and very important- ly establishes more than 100 Priority Actions that we can take over the coming years to set us off in the Net Zero transition. These Priority Actions cover three key themes (namely Energy, Transport, and Adap- tation and Sustainability) reflecting the three primary elements of our emissions…