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Search results for "net zero"

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

net zero carbon and over what timescale and the cost of such actions. 1.2 Obtain expert audit of energy use and recommendations for improvement. Facilities Manager December 2021 Basic asset survey for existing plant estimated Full survey to develop a design to RIBA stage 3 sufficient to obtain 3 between £3k and £5k per major site to be funded from…

… Sustainability Officer working with LEP on producing Net Zero guide for businesses. 10.3 Promote take-up of grants currently available for Hertfordshire businesses from Low Carbon Workspaces. Economic Development Manager Take-up promoted at business events and on Council website. Existing These are promoted as and when they are announced. Several e-newsletters and a printed…

… and diesel vehicle use. Economic Development Manager Evidence of guidance provided to local businesses. Existing Part of the Net Zero toolkit for businesses. Love Hoddesdon working with Eastern New Energy to offer businesses a free vehicle fleet audit. 10.8 Explore viability of scheme to recognise shops that sell produce that is sustainably produced and packaged and is local…


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