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1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… climate impact assesment training Nov-21 D&S/HR 10 0 0 0 Revenue Assumes @£100 course accreditation Ov3 The CPCA's own operations should be net zero by 2030, underpinned by regional SBTi- type action plan Ov3.1 Revise policies as set out in Ov2 Oct-21 Governance Need to market test with SME suppliers Ov3.7 Accommodation Strategy ? HR Includes new ways of working policy Ov3.8 Set out SBTi…

… B&S 20 0 0 0 Revenue £20k to design and commission. Ov7.2 Employment and Skills Strategy to include demand led green skills qualifications Nov-21 B&S Revised Strategy to November Skills Committee Ov8 The CPCA should commission work to understand the fitness of the innovation ecosystem to support the net-zero-aligned agritech and clean tech sectors: Ov8.1 Agritech sector…

… strategy Mar-22 B&S To be incorporated into the overall refresh of the Local Economic Recovery Strategy / Local Industrial Strategy Ov8.2 Clean tech sector strategy - University of Peterborough to provide focus for Net Zero sector development across northern half of CPCA – creating a net zero carbon footprint assessment tool for all 6 phases of the university - Business eco-system…

… development esp manufacturing – building innovation in net zero research and advanced manufacturing through in phase 2 & 5 Sep-21 B&S Revenue Resource required to develop the University masterplan £350k (rev), development of the carbon footprint assessment tool £40k (rev) - plus funding to develop business cases for funding on phase 5 £20k (rev) Ov8.3 Place-based innovation programme…

… Manufacturing Alliance (SMA) launched to promote adoption of digital and net zero technologies within manufacturing sector, particularly SME’s Ov9 The CPCA should actively broker, and where appropriate, invest in, the creation of demonstration projects for the decarbonisation of the built environment Ov9.1 Join the Cambridgeshire Energy Partnership to assist in the draw down of government…


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