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Mansfield District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, the economy and environment. The plan will address: The definition of carbon neutrality Climate mitigation Climate adaptation Carbon sequestration Carbon offsetting Carbon neutrality (having a net zero carbon footprint) refers to achieving net zero emissions by minimising and balancing the amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount of sequestred or offset…

… to either mitigate or defer global warming. This is buying carbon credits equivalent to the amount of carbon you emit, to ensure your overall impact on the environment is 'net zero'. This will only be used by MDC as a last resort. 3…

… emissions focusing on the development of an active transport system. Buildings and infrastructure To enable and support the reduction in carbon emissions associated with the built environment including low carbon, low cost, healthy homes. Carbon neutral council Achieve a net zero carbon council that leads by example in promoting sustainable practices across our operations, estates and vehicles…

… and the net zero carbon goal at its centre. October 2021, the Government released its landmark and long awaited Net Zero The Strategy can be accessed HERE. strategy presents the government’s overarching plan not only for how the UK by 2050, but also how it will achieve a 68% cut in emissions by - as part of a commitment made under the Paris Agreement - and a 78% cut by under the Sixth Carbon Budget…

…. strategy also sets out what the Government expects from local government in the challenges, including: Leading by example. Monitoring and setting targets to reduce emissions and achieve net zero. Reporting on progress. 9…


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