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South Gloucestershire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… a group of forward thinking local authorities and signed up to the UK100 pledge to enable our communities to achieve 100% renewable energy across all sectors. The revised UK100 pledge (signed November 2020) commits to net zero council emissions by 2030 and net zero area-wide emissions by 2045. Read the declaration at: To deliver these pledges our aims are: 1…

… achieving a net gain in biodiversity. We are a population with a history of pioneering new ideas and are home to companies that are leaders in the field of innovation, digital engineering, robotics, health care and advanced manufacturing. There are many opportunities for us to lead in the growth of the net zero carbon economy and our businesses are showing us how they can rise to the challenge…

… Fu el Heat He at A griculture Tr an sp or t Residential and gardens Forests, open land and water Agriculture Transport and utilities Other Domestic Non-domestic Transport Agriculture 15 CLIMATE EMERGENCY STRATEGY This report also sets out a pathway of actions that can help South Gloucestershire to reduce emissions to net zero by 2030…

…. The pathway to success towards net zero sees significant and rapid reductions in emissions from both heat and power by 2030. To get emissions across the area to decrease we will need: y A very high uptake of electric vehicles and a reduction of mileage, y Very high reductions in road transport emissions from around 380 to around 220 kt CO2e. (Changes in fuel type as well as lower mileage), y…

… and local policy National change To deliver our Climate Emergency pledge we will need to work with National Government to develop and implement policies that will support the delivery of our Climate Emergency pledge. Current government policy is for the UK to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Whilst this is later than our Climate Emergency declaration many of the policies needed to deliver…


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