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Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… COUNCIL’S ESTATE AND SERVICES Knowsley Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan November 2020 1.1 At the Council meeting on 29 January 2020, Knowsley Council declared a Climate Emergency and made a commitment to develop an action plan with the aim of achieving net zero carbon emissions from the Council’s estate and services…

net zero around 2050. The Government subsequently adopted this 2050 target. The target date for the Council to achieve net zero carbon emissions is 2040, ten years ahead of the national target, but in line with the target adopted for the Liverpool City Region by the Combined Authority. 1.4 The Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration related to two specific areas. The first relates…

… to the Council’s estate and services and the requirement to approve an Action Plan by the end of 2020 that specifically focuses on reducing carbon emissions to net zero by 2040. The second area relates to the actions that Knowsley can take to reduce carbon emissions in the wider community and includes working at a Liverpool City Region level. Background ... 2.1 In 2010 the Council enrolled…

… to the development of an action plan aiming to achieve net zero carbon emissions from the Council’s estate and services by 2040. A new post of Climate Emergency Officer was also established. 3.2 A review of actions required to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions was undertaken using guidance from recognised organisations such as the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE), the Carbon Trust…

… and business case approval to support the Council to reduce carbon emissions as far as possible by 2040 and then use offsetting to achieve the net zero target. 3.5 The Action Plan outlines a number of actions under the following themes: (1) Green spaces for carbon offsetting and climate resilience; (2) Reducing carbon emissions from street lighting; (3) Reducing carbon emissions from fleet…


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