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Carlisle City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… or improve environmental performance are drawn together and are incorporated into appropriate actions, plans, strategies and future committee agendas for consideration. The key to the success of our strategy, reaching net zero, will depend upon a co-ordinated and comprehensive programme of communication and engagement to encourage behavioural change by residents and businesses as well…

… in protecting the environment and in the worldwide movement which aims to tackle climate change. Our commitment is, subject to public consultation and legal constraints, that all the activities of the Council, all strategic decisions, budgeting, and, in so far as the Council can influence, arrangements with partners, are in line with eliminating pollution and achieving net zero carbon emissions…

… of existing climate change.’ In June 2019, the Government announced an amend to the Climate Change Act 2008 to require net United Kingdom carbon emissions to be zero by 2050. The Council is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) at the earliest possible date. The Joint Public Health Strategy sets out a vision for a Healthier Cumbria based on the five capitals, taking…

… 10 To achieve the strategic goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions the following objectives…

… Medium: Within the period of the current Medium-Term Financial Plan Long: Beyond the Medium-Term Financial Plan period but before the target date for net-zero The action plan is a working document, the latest version can be found at: Council/Council-and-Democracy/Climate-Change Objectives…


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