… 1 Policy and Sustainability Committee 2.00pm, Friday, 25 October 2019 Achieving Net-Zero in the City of Edinburgh Executive/routine Wards Council Commitments 1. Recommendations That the Committee: Notes the update provided on the Place-Based Climate Action Network (P-CAN) research project Notes the draft summary research…
… Senior Manager E-mail: paula.mcleay@edinburgh.gov.uk | Tel: 0131 529 3654 mailto:paula.mcleay@edinburgh.gov.uk Report Achieving Net-Zero in the City of Edinburgh 2. Executive Summary 2.1 This report presents a draft summary of research being carried out by the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI), using expertise from Leeds and Edinburgh Universities…
…. This will augment the Climate KIC support aimed at helping the Council to take this analysis and build a strategic and operational route-map for achieving net-zero by 2030. 4.3 In the interim, a draft summary of the research is provided at Annex A and will be presented by the researchers at the Policy and Sustainability Committee meeting on 25 October. 4.4 The methodology used has been applied…
…, and additional employment opportunities created. 4.6 The research modelling shows a gap between the emission reductions possible through application of the various interventions and the target of achieving net zero by 2030. The research considers city-based interventions only, and so this gap relates emission reductions which require shifts in the policy and investment landscape nationally…
…/files/6660%20Leeds%20mini-stern%20exec%20summary_v3.pdf 9. Appendices 9.1 Annex A – The Economics of Low Carbon Cities: Achieving Net Zero in the City of Edinburgh; Draft Summary Report. DRAFT VERSION 6 ANNEX A The Economics of Low Carbon Cities: Achieving Net Zero in the City of Edinburgh Summary Report Robert Fraser Williamson, Andrew…