… West Dunbartonshire Council Climate Change Strategy - a route map for a net zero future CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY A Route Map for a net zero future…
… CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS 4 FOREWORD 5 01 CONTEXT 7 About West Dunbartonshire 7 The Legal and Policy drivers 7 The Science 9 The Financial Case 10 Sustainable Development Goals 10 Global Efforts 13 COVID19 - A Green Recovery 13 Scotland’s National Performance Framework 14 Building on Success 15 02 THEMES 16 03 WORKING TOWARDS NET ZERO 19 Carbon Removal and Offsetting 20 West…
… Dunbartonshire Net Zero Carbon Budget 20 Emissions reduction pathway to net zero 20 04 REVIEWING PROGRESS 23 Governance 23 Cross-cutting Policy 24 Inspiring change 24 Energy & Water & Assets 24 Housing 25 Waste & Circular Economy 25 Sustainable Travel 26 Sustainable Procurement 26 Biodiversity, Greenspace & Landscape 26 Climate Impacts, Risks & Adaptation 27 Schools &…
… ZEV Zero-emissions Vehicle CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY - A ROUTE MAP FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE FOREWORD Councillor Iain McLaren, Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development I am delighted to introduce West Dunbartonshire’s new Climate Change Strategy, which outlines our plans to reduce our organisation’s environmental impact over the next fve years and beyond…
… Government in meeting its ambitious climate change targets. I am confdent that these commitments will allow us to continue to make progress on tackling climate change locally, while also supporting national and global efforts. I look forward to joining forces with our communities to see it progress. 4 5 fr . t f' .- ... ; CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY - A ROUTE MAP FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE…