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Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… demonstrated its commitment to tackling both the cause and impact of climate change for some years. At its meeting in December 2019 Cabinet agreed to prepare a climate emergency action plan based on the Council becoming a net zero carbon emitter by 2050. This report provides Cabinet with an update on the development of the plan and the key principles it will seek to deliver. 2.3 The declaration…

… a commitment to cut emissions to net zero by 2050. The Environment Bill 2020 is one of the government’s key vehicles for delivering the bold vision as set out in the 25 Year Environment Plan. It is part of a step-change in environmental protection and recovery, setting a new and ambitious domestic framework for environmental governance and one, which places greater responsibility…

… on councils specifically in their roles as Local Planning Highways and Drainage Authorities. 4.2 As of 6th February 2020, 67% of councils in the UK have declared a climate emergency in addition to 8 combined authority/city regions. Walsall Council declared a climate change emergency on 16th September 2019 and committed to becoming a net zero carbon authority by 2050. In 2020, the WMCA pledged…

… a commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions no later than 2041 publishing “WM2041 – A Programme for Implementing an Environmental Recovery." The Council continues to play a key role working alongside regional partners to tackle climate change and is operating within the framework established by the UK Parliament. 4.3 The Council is now developing a climate emergency action plan to address…

… us to meet our target. The appointment of a fixed term Climate Change Programme Manager will enable this work to be accelerated and further funding obtained. 4.5 In order to meet the net zero target, the Council will need to ensure that reducing emissions and increasing resilience is central to its work, embedded within strategy and day-to-day delivery. The first phase of the action plan…


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