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Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… a revised target - the UK will cut emissions to net zero by 2050 (relative to the 1990 baseline). The above evidence makes clear that immediate and drastic action is required to avoid global warming to dangerous levels, whilst encouraging sub-national policy measures and action as a necessary means of reducing emissions. Building the case for action It is widely accepted that decarbonising…

… & 2 CEC Building (Delamere House) ✓ ✓ 9 2. Cheshire East Council Influence Context Cheshire East Council passed a motion on 22nd May 2019 that committed the council to becoming ‘Carbon Neutral’ by 2025. Additionally the draft Cheshire East Environment Strategy 2019-24 acknowledged Parliament’s legally binding Net Zero by 2050 target. No Local Authority (LA) has yet achieved…

… certified Carbon Neutral status. This work seeks to explore what Carbon Neutral and Net Zero could mean and how this might be achieved by Cheshire East Council. Introducing the term Carbon Neutral Generally speaking, ‘carbon neutral’ or ‘net zero’ typically mean the same thing: that some carbon/GHG emissions remain but are then ‘netted off’ or ‘offset’ through carbon dioxide removal…

…. For example, the UK’s Net Zero by 2050 target includes all Greenhouse Gases emitted by the UK i.e. methane emissions from agriculture are included as well as just carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion within the energy system. Consumption based (supply chain) emissions from outside of the UK are not included within this target. Defining Carbon Neutrality for Cheshire East Council In order…

… consideration in the Action Plan. 5. Reduce Borough-wide Emissions/External Policy Although these emissions may be under the least influence from the council, in-borough emissions must also reach net zero to keep the UK on track with the national target. The council’s role becomes one of a partner or facilitator amongst the community and local businesses. 16 5. The Action Plan Structure…


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