… – and our commitment to the county achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – Surrey’s Climate Change Strategy sets out our collective approach to do our part to tackle climate change. 8 years before... Surrey, at current rates of consumption, will use up its share of the global carbon budget – the total carbon emissions that the world can “afford” if it is to avoid dangerous climate change…
…. To achieve our goal of net zero carbon by 2050, we must act today. We recognise that Surrey residents and communities are already facing, and will continue to face, the impacts of climate change on a daily basis. As part of this Strategy, we seek to build on our existing measures to strengthen resilience down to the household level, through climate-proofing our services and infrastructure…
…, will be revisited every five years to consider potential for acceleration, with an annual progress report against our targets and key actions. S U M M A RY Surrey's Climate Change Strategy Ambitions and targets Net zero carbon Organisation Emissions | Achieve net zero For Surrey’s carbon local authorities that lead by example organisational emissions in promoting sustainable practices across…