… 1.1 Cabinet received and approved a report on the draft strategy and action plan on 23 June following consideration by the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This confirmed the Council’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon for the Scope 1 and 2 emissions resulting from its service delivery…
… and operations by the end of 2030. It also agreed a net zero position on the Scope 3 emissions arising from the 10,250 Council homes it provides by 2050 recognising that given current budgets, financial restrictions and the absence at this point of reliable and affordable alternatives to gas this will be a longer process. 1.2 This report sets out the progress made to date and the shorter term…
… will have an impact on the environment and use a criteria to give a rating. The report will explore elements such as carbon emissions and the affect this will have on our net-zero targets. All SIAs will need to be sent for internal approval before the project can be approved to progress. It might be that a project will need to reconsider a greener alternative to reduce its impact on the environment…
… approved will make a big impact on reducing the Borough’s carbon footprint. 4.2 The Local Plan is bound by the requirements of Planning Law and government guidance which attempts to create a balance between achieving a net zero carbon UK by 2050 and developer viability, the latter causing a potential restriction the levels of carbon efficiency to be required. There are a number of parallel…
…. 5.2 Table One Climate change policy Purpose Comments/action SP Climate Change Overarching strategic policy Carbon emission targets Mitigation setting out range of measures in the Plan that contribute to climate change and emissions reductions for new development up to 2030 and net zero from 2030 may be superseded by Future Homes Standard and White Paper 2025 requirements…