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London Borough of Haringey

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… P a g e | 1 Haringey Climate Change Action Plan – A Route Map for a Net Zero Carbon Haringey March 2021 P a g e | 2 Foreword from Councillor Hearn The significant community interest and engagement on this Action Plan has shown that there is high level of support from the community on tackling Climate…

… poor quality housing and the rising number of families in fuel poverty, again a situation that has been exacerbated during the pandemic. The Action Plan can deliver a win for the many. For Haringey to become Net Zero Carbon, the Council, residents, visitors, stakeholders, local businesses, and government need to work together to deliver the Action Plan’s ambition. Combating climate change…

… is now in a Climate Change Crisis and dramatic action is required. In March 2019, Haringey Council declared a Climate Emergency. In doing so, the Council committed to developing an action plan to decarbonise the borough by the earliest date that was both ambitious but achievable. The foundation work was done with ARUP when the Council first committed to becoming a net zero-carbon borough…

…, in the Borough Plan (2019- 2024). ARUP provided science-based analysis that informed the actions that could be delivered and to what timeframe. Based on the Climate Emergency declaration, Haringey Council revisited this initial action plan and agreed to bring forward both the timeline and scale of actions, aiming to be net zero carbon by 2041. This document sets out the actions as to how we can…

… achieve this goal. This Action Plan is a borough document which requires collective ownership to deliver this level of ambition, rather than a ‘top-down’ Council approach. This is a fundamental part of the approach which will be needed to deliver the 2041 date. The Councillors and officers are committed to taking urgent action to deliver a net zero- carbon borough by 2041. Because the Council…


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