… Actions to support the achievement of net zero 14 What we can do 4 Actions to build climate resilience 15 Why us? Why now? 5 Actions to champion sustainable growth 15 Our approach 6 Glossary 16 Our evidence base 6 The breadth of emission sources we include 7 Turning risks into opportunities 8 How we complement others’ efforts 9 Factoring climate action into everything we do 9 Our…
… baseline 10 View online at: Adapting to climate change 12 theglobalcity.uk/resources AT THE CITY CORPORATION WE WILL DO THIS THROUGH MAJOR INVESTMENT IN: Improving energy efficiency at our investment and corporate properties Aligning our investment portfolio with the Paris Agreement Enhancing carbon removal in our open spaces Protecting our shared natural resources Driving net zero…
… through our supply chain Integrating climate considerations into all our decisions THROUGH THIS STRATEGY THE CITY CORPORATION COMMITS TO ACHIEVING: Net zero by 2027 in the City Corporation’s operations Net zero by 2040 across the City Corporation’s full value chain Net zero by 2040 in the Square Mile Climate resilience in our buildings, public spaces and infrastructure ACROSS…
… THE SQUARE MILE WE WILL: Work with all stakeholder groups to accelerate the transition to net zero Support SMEs to reach net zero Invest in making the Square Mile more resilient to extreme weather and flooding http://theglobalcity.uk/resources Climate Action Strategy 2020-2027 5…
… and charitable and community sector responsibilities. In the context of climate action, this means we can support the achievement of net zero, build climate resilience and champion sustainable growth to achieve a truly sustainable City. We will do this by means of the following actions, committed to in our Corporate Plan, 2018-23, against which we drive our performance. 1. SUPPORT THE ACHIEVEMENT…