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Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… resilience in the way we design, build and manage our operations and assets. A 2019 Act introduces a Scottish net zero emissions target by 2045 and requires the strengthening of our ambitions and actions to address climate change. We were the first Council in Scotland to produce a Climate Change Action Plan in 2002 and have taken several important steps since then. The purpose of this proposed…

… transformation to a net zero and climate resilient council, will affect every part of our organisation, requiring a raising of ambition, an acceleration in change and a smart, coordinated, different ways of doing things. Our commitment Our context  The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 set climate change duties for public bodies, including: contributing to the delivery of national emission targets…

zero by 2045. Government consultation on the Role of Public Bodies in tackling Climate Change indicates the public sector should be more ambitious in setting their own targets. We will be an exemplar for net zero and climate resilience, developing a comprehensive Energy and Climate Plan in year 2020/21. It will set: our year for zero direct climate emissions; targets to reduce our indirect…

…-align budgets. Our 2020/21 budget supports the development of net zero and climate adaptation priorities with initiatives including fleet replacement, active travel, electric vehicle 5 charging, energy efficiency, heating replacement, property refurbishment and improvements, district heating and hydrogen projects. Additional priorities for action will be identified under the Plan, along…

… on our journey. 4. Consider carbon budget and accounting options, in parallel to our financial systems, to facilitate robust data and measurements of change towards net zero. We have a sustainable procurement duty, a procurement footprint of £100’s millions per annum and takes a shared approach to procurement to ensure economies of scale. Working with our Procurement Regulations…


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