… Layout 1 CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - NET ZERO CARBON PLAN _ 2020 Route towards becoming a Net Zero Carbon Local Authority by 2030 carmarthenshire.gov.wales Approved: 12th February 2020 CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - NET ZERO CARBON PLAN _ 2020 Section…
… .......................................................................................................... 2 3 Net Zero Carbon Local Authority by 2030.................................................................... 3 3.1 Outline Approach ................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Carbon Footprint…
…....................................................................................................... 23 Appendix 4 Glossary of Terms.......................................................................................................... 29 CONTENTS 1CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - NET ZERO CARBON PLAN _ 2020 FOREWORD Climate change is recognised by many as one of the world’s greatest threats. At the opening ceremony of the United Nations-sponsored climate talks…
… a net zero carbon local authority by 2030. Leading the Council’s climate change strategy has been included in my portfolio of responsibilities as Executive Board Member for Communities and Rural Affairs, and I recognise that it is a huge challenge that will require action by all Services within the Council and by many other bodies locally, nationally and internationally. As a starting point…
…, this action plan outlines a pragmatic route towards the Council becoming a net zero carbon local authority by 2030. It is intended to be a living document and will evolve over time. This is a long-term plan for the next ten years and as such more proposals will be added as it develops. Further technological breakthroughs will inevitably come forward in due course, but the most important thing…